HIA Redress Scheme Seeks Justice for Victims of Institutional Abuse | Abuse and Assault Claims Skip to main content

Posted on 31 July 2024

HIA Redress Scheme Seeks Justice for Victims of Institutional Abuse

Posted in Advice

The youth of today could never imagine the horrifying and inhuman ways children were mistreated back in the day. In today’s society, the maltreatment that was once considered “normal” to most children growing up in institutions in the 60s, 70s and 80s would now be deemed outrageous and simply not allowed.

Within various institutions that existed in their parents and grandparents’ childhood, for many children, this was their reality. With very limited protection, children were subjected to physical, emotional and sexual abuse whilst resident in places that were supposed to keep them safe.

The Historical Institutional Abuse Redress Board (HIARB) have since recognised the torturous ways children were treated within these institutions and are now compensating victims who endured abuse whilst resident at such places within Northern Ireland between 1922 and 1995.

First administered in 2018, the HIARB also considers compensation for children that were sent to Australia under the Child Migrant Program and is able to offer compensation to loved ones of family members who were survivors of such institutions but have since passed away.

Historic Abuse Affects Survivors Their Whole Lives

The level of abuse suffered in these historical institutions appears to have no limits, from harsh words, name calling and belittling children to the worst cases of child sexual abuse. We are supporting victims who were threatened, humiliated, beaten, and raped on a daily basis by the staff entrusted with their care.  

It is often impossible to imagine why anyone would wish to hurt a child but regrettably these people did and unfortunately still do exist. We have made it our mission to help as many survivors of such abuse seek some justice for their suffering.

What happened within these institutions was very wrong. And for many who were resident there, the abuse they suffered has shaped the rest of their lives. Often turning people to crime and reoffending behaviours, pre-disposing them to difficulties with personal and authoritative relationships and in more severe cases, causing life long mental and physical health problems.

The time to Act is Now

Whilst the Redress Board is available to people who suffered abuse whilst resident at these Institutions in Northern Ireland, it does have a limit to when they will cease to receive any further applications, namely 02/04/2025. After this date, you will not be able to apply to the scheme. 

Therefore, we encourage anyone who suffered abuse or is related to someone who suffered abuse whilst resident in an institution in Northern Ireland between 1922 and 1995 to contact us. 

We offer a free, no obligation initial consultation where we will advise you whether you may eligible to apply to the scheme. Our costs are fixed as per our No win No Fee agreement, meaning you only pay our fees if your claim is successful and upon completion of the same. 

With no upfront fees, and a free no-obligation consultation, contact Stacey to discuss your case further. We know that no amount of money will ever truly take away a persons suffering or re-write their childhood experiences. However we endeavour to secure a better future for you by acknowledging your suffering and achieving you an award of compensation which will assist you in re-building your life and easing some of today’s financial restraints.

Whilst it may not be as common within institutions in today’s society, abuse of children and adults is still a very common problem, whether this be in the home, school or place of work.

If you, or someone you know has been the victim of physical, sexual or domestic abuse, contact our Criminal Injuries compensation team by calling 0113 320 5000 or emailing @email