Posted on 19 September 2023
Russell Brand facing allegations of sexual abuse and sexual assault
Posted in Legal news
Comic Russell Brand is in the news as four women have made allegations of sexual assault, rape and abuse against him. The women have spoken to journalists from Channel 4 and from The Times newspaper.
The Metropolitan Police have confirmed they have received a report of a sexual assault in London which took place in 2003. Two of the women have described alleged events that took place in Los Angeles so would have to be investigated separately in the USA.
The media coverage now is all about what will happen to Brand but the journalistic investigation started with the victims.
The charity Trevi, which works with women which have suffered abuse have put out a statement today (19/09/2023) ending their association with Russell Brand.
The allegations against Brand are for events that happened more than 10 years ago. There is no time limit for reporting sexual crimes to the police in the UK.
The media coverage may be triggering for some and there are support organisations that can help.
If you are considering making a claim through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme Winston Solicitors may be able to help. No amount of money will ever be able to undo what has happened but it can help with paying for private therapy or providing support.
You can contact a specialist at Winston Solicitors on 0113 320 5000 or email cicamessages@winstonsolicitors.co.uk.